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How many Goldman Sachs employees evading taxes?

I propose a full investigation into Goldman Sachs employees by the IRS. Time to prove to the American people that all men are created equal in the eyes of justice! […]

Goldman Sachs 666

“This website has NOT been approved by Goldman Sachs. This website provides information about Goldman Sachs to demonstrate how destructive they are to our lives and the hopes and dreams of our children.” […]

Slave or consumer?

Danger is all around us yet no one is feeling it. The Fed does, but government, second rate bankers, Goldman Sachs criminals, most are oblivious to what is happening. […]

Stock market drops -200 points while I took a crap!

When I saw how hard the dollar was dropping, I got a sudden urge to take a dump. So now I sit here pondering how is the stock market drop 200 points in those 20 minutes? […]

Falling dollar gives the stock market a boost.

We had every reason in the world to start of a healthy correction and strengthening of the dollar. Yet this morning the double edge sword still slices. The dollar is falling and its friend inflation is sprinting towards reality. […]

“A Tale of Two Cities” LA & NY

A Tale of Two Cities, one of the great novels that were ever written, its plot centers on the years leading up to the French Revolution. Today, the preamble itself brings chills down my spine “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way”. […]

Storm forming for the Stock Market

From very clear blue skies and not an iota of danger; storms for the market are quickly forming on the horizon. The question now is will these storms hit us head on and linger or pass over with little damage. I’m guessing they will cause damage by the speed of which they are forming and by the recent drought of profit taking (hint, sell and take profits! We are going lower). […]

End of four week stock market Bull Run?

Four consecutive winning weeks and a Dennis Kneale gay smirk of 15% gain; those are the status of the S&P 500. This morning however, the mood seems gloomy. Nothing really negative has happened yet the market is Steve Urkel weak […]

Hank Paulson, we believe you, wink wink!

The New York Times on Saturday reported records of two dozen conversations between Paulson and Goldman chief executive Lloyd Blankfe in one week! That week was the same week last September that rival bank Lehman Brothers collapsed and insurer American International Group. […]

Market Reversal

The market these days are tremendously overbought. Nit wits have tossed aside common sense and are jumping in to the bull market idea. Economists from all corners of the world are screaming that the recession is officially over. […]