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May 2024
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From one bubble to another

Gold, Oil and just about everything else went higher today, much higher. Was this a signal that the bull market has more to run? Well, don’t ever underestimate those that lack ability to reason. Bernanke gave a whorish of a speech reemphasizing easy money policies and low rates. What he is really saying is, do not worry bankers, I won’t take away your punch bowl too early. Glad to see that those hard working ethical bankers who really care about society will be able to make the millions they deserve. […]

2010 Market outlook

2010 will be much like the previous few years. Fraud and manipulation will run wild until the economy starts to sparrow downwards again. Because Bernanke is spineless and Obama loves bankers, inflation will be the biggest challenge we will face in 2010. They will continue to do whatever it takes to print our way out of this mess. We are now entering the 11th year of a 20 year like Japan economic catastrophe. […]

2009 Market Recap

The year started in total panic, credit market frozen, everyone in danger of failing from systematic risk, uncertainty of a new president, and half a million people losing their jobs every month. The year ended with unrealistic expectation, up 65%ish from the lows, credit spigot fully open at 0% interest to banks, everyone bailed out, 100 million dollar of bonuses and Government stimulating everything and everyone. The only thing that hasn’t changed from the start of the year to the end of the year is that we still have half a million Americans losing their jobs every month. Middle class be dammed, let them eat cake! […]

Another 3.8 billion for GMAC

Santa came early and often in 2009, handing out billions of dollars left and right to bankers all across the nation. Yes, this is the kind of action that makes one quit being an engineer and getting an MBA! It’s not every profession that the more you F up, the higher you can pay yourself. Tag on to that the fact that every mistake you make becomes someone else’s problem (the totally innocent that had nothing to do with it), and you have a job that requires no brains or ethics to execute. Grats bankers, for continuously be able to suck on the tit of government (or is it Uncle Sam’s pecker?) […]

Bond market time bomb

Everyone is wondering when will It blow, when will the bond market collapse. For us at Alphas edge, the bomb is already built and unstable, there is no disarming it now without side effects. Bernanke has the buttons to blow it all to bits. Maybe this explains why he is frozen, afraid to press any buttons or do anything that will get a reaction from the market. He is petrified of releasing the bond gene out of his bubble bottle. […]

Consolidation or a top?

Oh, this is such an easy call for the few that have a vision and an understanding of the human psyche. Let me start off by saying that it is not a consolidation (although that is what it looks like). The market is trading at too low of a volume for it to be a true consolidation. It’s almost like it is frozen, too afraid to buy high but too greedy to miss another rally. So it’s a top right? NOPE, not saying it is a top either, there is not enough volume signifying a top. So what is it? Simple, the market is waiting to see what (if any) monetary policies OR/AND fiscal policies will take hold. Feds increase rates and reduce M1, market will sell off faster than a China 5 dollar sucky sucky hooker. Government puts a muzzle on spending and tries to be fiscally responsible, expect a falling market. If both happen, expect a collapsing market! The truth is, the market is overbought (it had a great 9 month best ever record breaking bull rally). The number of things that can go wrong is now 100 fold times the number of things that can go right. The exact opposite was true in March, everything that could of went wrong already had and there was nothing left to go wrong after the mark to market changes. If this is not a strong sell signal, I do not know what is. […]

Taxing the gains

For many individuals who had a great year in the stock market are now faced with the choice of cashing in the gains and paying taxes or letting it ride. For the smart calculated risk takers, the choice is easy, cash in the gains and pay Uncle Sam. For the greedy parasites, the letting it ride temptation will be uncontrollable. Personally, for me the choice is easy, pay the tax and reset the cost basis to a higher number. This will benefit you regardless if the market goes up or down. […]

Oil canary signing

As the markets creep higher and higher while the Fed is impotent to make a move out of fear, inflation is slowly creeping into the economy. Crude is now nearing 80, a level that is only recently considered a new norm. Gold has had a 10% correction from 52 weeks high but is still soundly above 1,000. Everything is more expensive, even the new mergences of mergers are once again getting executed at 6 to 1 leverage (dumb bankers). Mortgages are creeping higher so pressure for lose lending is once again mounting. Haven’t we learned anything from the last bubble? Oh well, I guess 75 dollar per barrel of oil is the new target norm. […]

Oh Cramer,

Here we go again. We are going to have to here bullish Cramer boosting about how great he is and how he called this perfectly. Let’s start off reminding people that in 2006 Cramer was predicting the market would be trading above 20,000 by 2010. His claim was based on a book that predicted sky high numbers for the DOW. Even during the trip down from 14,000 to 11,000 something Cramer stayed bullish on the market. It was only crystal clear to him that the market was going to crash after he realized that the CMO ponze scheme had come unglued. Sure, there is a good chance that the market will head higher until the Fed changes its easy money policy. The banks can basically borrow at 0% and push equity higher. Unfortunately for the people, this means runaway inflation in later years. Add to that the fact that the only reason the economy has no collapsed is because the mortgage fraudulent loans have been slowly transferred to the Fed balance sheet (which no one can audit). We have reached the economic “era of fraudulence”. […]

Wow, up and away

Just amazing that everything so far is playing out exactly as expected. As long as the Fed keeps the easy money policy and leave open the cookie jar for Goldman Sachs, the market will head higher. The criminals are still getting rewarded. Sadly, nothing has changed; greed has infected ever nerve of our system. […]