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Rajaratnam typical hedge fund manager

I guess the rat man is going to be used as an example and punished for crimes that nearly all companies, including the government, commit. Instead of going after this hedge fund manager, why not target the real criminals? Don’t know who they are, I’ll tell you! Angilo Mozilo should be on the top of the list as people who need to be charged and get sent away. Not only did he spread toxic assets into every area of the economy, he is also guilty of bribing many politicians. Of course however, we cannot expect the political whores to turn on someone who steals for them. Hank Paulson destruction of Lehman, Bear Stearns and the system so Goldman Sachs who have a monopoly on Wall street is another crime we cannot forget. Add the 800 billion theft of our public’s money, he should simply be hanged. The list goes on and on, Turbo Tax Timmy, half the politicians, 90% of executives in publicly traded companies, and more. […]