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November 2009
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Goldman Shareholders powerless?

This appears to be the case. A group of angry Goldman Sachs shareholders are insisting that Goldman executives give out dividends to shareholders instead of the billions in bonuses. What is troubling however is how Goldman Sachs executives are more powerful than their shareholders. […]

Equity trend continues

Early this morning, you saw a strong sell off of the equity market and a rebound to the dollar. This however did not last; the market went up the rest of the day while the dollar fell. Looking at the chart, the trend has continued by calling Bernanke’s bluff of a strong dollar policy. If the Fed takes no action to strengthen the dollar, we will continue to see it fall. Naturally, this is exactly what the Fed wants because it will cause the inflation it needs that will give the impression of a growing economy. Evidence of this is the fact that gold barely sold off and is still way over 1100 an ounce. […]

Goldman Sachs apologizes insignificantly

This morning Goldman offered an apology that really is just a slap in the face. They claimed that they will GIVE 500 million to help small businesses. But when you read between the lines, you know that they really aren’t given shit away. First, the plan expands over 5 years at 100 million per year. However, 200 of those millions are for EDUCATIONAL purposes and 300 of LOANS to small businesses. Not like I’d expect anything better from Goldman. If the way they conduct business is anything about the outcome of this “charity”, the rates on the business loans will be 5 to 10% adjustable over prime. So basicly, Goldman Sachs apologizes for crimes agaisnt humanity by offering them more debt. I guess they are still playing God. […]

Bernanke navigation skills impressive

I have much criticized many of the players who are intimately involved with this financial collapse. Man like Angilo Mozillo, Hank Paulson and Turbo Tax Timmy disserve to be called villains. Two of those 3 men made billions as the economy collapsed cashing in stocks worth billions of dollars. But among all the greedy evil little man in power, a hero has emerged. Bernanke has orchestrated an economic recovery to the t. He first stopped the hemorrhaging of credit by supplying infinite blood to the system at no cost. He then kept inflation in check by providing debt to the market. But before he even attempted it all, he had to convince world leaders that this was the only way. […]

GM generates 3.3 billion in cash?

Honestly, how dumb do they think we are? GM generates, as in it creates money out of thin air! I just find it troubling that the economy has fallen so far that corporations are actually bragging about being able to “generate” cash. What ever happen with profits? […]

APEC currency issue

Many leaders around the world have ensured that they will remain easy money policies until the global economy is stable. At the same time, they all had concerns over the volatility of the forex currency exchange markets. In many countries, the collapsing dollar is casing havoc. Countries with economies that are highly dependable on exports are starting to be affected by the falling dollar. […]

Too big to fail

Something unfortunate is happening to our economic system as its becoming globalized and only a rare few are even taking notice. The unfortunate event is that as globalization is happening, companies have grown to be too big. In fact, I don’t see many articles or research on the subject itself. Sure, we hear it mention once in a while in banking, like AIG, BAC, FRE, FNM and GS. But the problem is much more broad and deeper than economist are realizing. Not only is it broad and deeper, it is also happening with more frequency. The problem is that people in general are dumb. As, I said it, they are as dumb as a box of rocks […]

Market confused, gold higher

Looks like it doesn’t matter what way the dollar goes, gold is pushing higher every day. For the first time there is actual fear of a gold short squeeze for those that will stand in the way. Governments around the world are wondering if the easy unlimited printing money policies are about to back fire. Well it, who knows, but I’m buying as much gold as I can! […]

US Dollar, don’t call it a come back

The stock market is down while the dollar is up today indicating that the trend between the dollar and equity markets is still in place. So interesting observation is Gold however is bucking the trend, proportionally moving up even when the dollar is gaining strength. This for us at Alphas Edge is a huge red flag. The slightest hint of Turbo Tax Timmy doing or saying something stupid can drop the market by 500 points. The irony is that the dollar will probably strengthen as economic panic sets it. […]

Gold alarm

Gold hit 1120 an ounce today while the S&P staggered at 1097. It looks like for the market to head higher, the dollar has to continue to fall. The issue now is that the affect of a falling dollar on the equity market is less than the affect of the falling dollar on the commodity market. This is a clear sign of inflation and the necessity of rate increases in the future. However, issues with other foreign currencies, AKA the YEN, might actually support the dollar rapid decline. Apparently, Japan is having troubles paying back the interest in their debts and is close to defaulting. […]