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November 2009
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Battle over FDIC and FED control

Who will win control over banking regulations, the Fed, Gov, a new entity or the FDIC? Apparently, a few special interests are all fighting for authority over rules and regulation over the financial market. I guess everyone wants control over trillions of dollars backed by public future generations. […]

Goldman Sachs doing Gods work!

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I understand why he feels the way he does. If you just got away from raping the public out of trillions of dollars in the largest corporate crime in history, wouldn’t you feel a little like God? When you can single handedly decide the direction of the equity market on a daily basis, wouldn’t you feel a little like God? When you can create laws because you own halve of the political whores in power and turn the laws so you can legally steal, wouldn’t you feel like God. Blankfein believes he is above ethics, he feels that he is the law, and he alone is the almighty of the world. […]

Fed keeps it easy

The US Fed has decided to keep the money flowing and the economic system in life support. No doubt we will end up paying more with in future with inflation, so why the ultra low rates? Simple, many big banks are insolvent, so they are doing whatever it takes to make them extremely profitable. It’s going to be a few years before interest rates on banks go back to normal level. […]

Rich getting richer

The middle class however is becoming a dying breed. Unemployment is over 10% and increasing, yet all the government bailout are going to the ultra rich. Must be nice to be Goldman Sachs and have complete control over government and 100s of key positions. The way things are heading, the DJI will be at 15,000 in no time, gold at 3,000 an ounce and unemployment at 15%. I can’t wait for us that remain in the upper middle class to be able to afford to have maids again! Any of you chumps looking for work? […]

Gold 2000, a real possibility

I’m personally not a fan of buying gold. Prior to this economic collapse, I had never suggested to anyone to buy gold as a hedge for a currency. The problem now however that is the currency system is near broken. Too many countries have too much US dollars in their reserve banks. No one can use a significant portion of their dollar reserve or the global economy collapses. Instead, everyone is forced to buy dollars to keep their reserves worth something. The problem with this is that eventually, someone will want to stop investing and start spending. This will be a huge mess, that no amount of government manipulation or printing will be able to fix it. The alternative is do what China, Russia and India have started to do, start to hold gold in their reserves. If this trend picks up speed, gold at 2,000 an ounce is a very likely reality, 5,000 a probability and 1,000,000 an ounce a possibility. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope the dollar doesn’t collapse. […]

Subsidizing everything

That is the second half of the plan our government has decided on to rescue the economy. The first half was to steal trillions of dollars from future Americans to pay back the bets made by bankers and Wall Street. Now, that they have transferred the wealth from the middle class to the upper class, its time to stabilize the economy. Government will basically pay you to buy a house, if your unemployed, to borrow money, and even to buy a car. We at Alphas Edge just hope the rest of the world doesn’t learn that our country is technically insolvent. The US just print money out of thin air and distribute it to whatever part of the system doesn’t function. Unfortunately, we have reached a point that its almost all of it. […]

Dollar down, market up and gold soaring

Sometimes, you start to feel like a parrot. The US stock market has followed the same trend for year’s day in and day out. On only on few acceptations did something catch the market off guard. It’s almost like ONE BIG ORGANIZED MOFFIA coordinates the flow of cash from country to country and equity to equity. […]

Gold, Buffet Bubble and sheepos

Gold, Buffet bubble and sheepos is what comes to mind when analyzing the US stock market today. Something very interesting was going on this AM pre market open. The dollar was up, oil was down, equities (stocks) were down, commodities were down, but gold was up. It clearly broke the trend and did it with conviction. Once the market opened, it was all about Buffets investment in coal. Personally, I lose more and more respect for Buffet every day. First he whores up with the greedy bankers of Goldman Sachs and now he invests in ill outdated technology. Burning coal is inefficient, worst, it causes cancer. I really hate how Buffet has no ambition to bring technology forward. He would rather turn 5 dollars into 7 doing something ordain than risk losing 3 dollars out of the 5 to invent something new. He lets everyone else take all the risk while he profits from riding other peoples coat tails. If this wasn’t bad enough, you had every pump monkey on TV calling it a great investment. One fool even went on to say, “I have no idea why he invested in coal, but if Buffet thinks it’s a good investment, than it must be a good investment”. Sheepos will take any Buffet investment, follow it and turn it into a bubble. I look around and feel that our society has become one big cesspool. […]

Gold with impressive move today

This is another day that reaffirms the gold trade. We had the dollar gaining little strength periodically throughout the day, yet gold was robust all day long. Looks like the fear of inflation and the renewed fear of economic collapse is causing gold to move higher again. Naturally, with all the printing of currencies that’s going on, gold can only go up. […]

CIT Group Bankruptcy tonight!

Oh, this should make it for an exciting week on Wall Street. The whisper on the Street is that City Group will be declaring bankruptcy, Chapter 11, Sunday night (tonight). What does this mean for the market? Not sure, but what it means to the public is that 2.3 billion dollars of taxpayers’ money will go to waste and never be seen again. The theft of the middle class continues as these corporate criminals (AKA executives) pocket all the cash from the corporations while leaving all of them overleveraged with debt. It is crystal clear to this writer that the government bailout has failed miserably. The criminals are in charge while the people are at the mercy of the unjust greedy bankers. […]